What initially looked a daunting prospect proved to be a fascinating project. With over 1,200 pages, this substantial hardback textbook is divided into eight chapters which include pain and anxiety control, dental hygiene care for individuals with special needs, dental hygiene diagnosis, care plan and evaluation and periodontal and risk assessment.

Convincingly delivered, in a clearly presented and easy to understand format, this textbook is well supported with illustrations, graphs, tables and colour photographs. Each chapter (termed section) starts with its objectives laid out in full with a table of key terminology used in the chapter and ends with a table of ‘key concepts’ along with a critical thinking exercise. The first chapter begins with an in depth look at historical points of interest in the evolution of dental hygiene and this moves on to concepts of health and wellness. The book discusses communication techniques and improving relationships with patients.

The authors have also developed a website with downloadable resources to support the textbook. It includes a test question bank with over 800 assessment questions, an electronic image collection and competency based evaluation forms which can be used for self-evaluation. Though very Americanised and I think aimed at the American market I found this textbook interesting and informative.