What is the first thing you do when you walk through your front door after a hard day at work? Put the kettle on? Run a bath? Check through the post? Whatever your routine, the chances are that one of the first things you do when you get home is to kick off your shoes, tug off your trainers or peel off your pumps. Even if you don't realise that you're doing it.

Taking your shoes off as soon as you get home is one of the most natural things to do, especially if you've been on your feet all day, and what feels nicer than a good foot rub? Reflexology takes it to another level.

What is it?

Reflexology is a complementary therapy, which works on the feet to help heal the whole person not just the symptoms. It can be used to help restore and maintain a natural equilibrium and is a gentle way to encourage the body to naturally restore its own balance.

How does it work?

Through special massage of reflexes on the feet, which it is believed correspond to particular parts of the body. A professionally trained reflexologist can detect subtle changes in specific points on the feet, and by working on these points may affect corresponding organs or systems of the body. It is a complementary therapy, so can be used alongside other complementary therapies and conventional medicines.

75 per cent of all illness is stress-related, and reflexology can help

Many people use reflexology as a way of relaxing the mind and body and counteracting stress; it may help towards good physical, mental and emotional health, encouraging people to maintain health in all areas of their lives.

Reflexology and work

Are you stressed? It is estimated that 75 per cent of all illness is stress-related, and regular reflexology treatments can help to reduce stress and tension. It can also aid a speedy recovery from illness. Some countries have tried to address stress in the workplace by having a work-based reflexologist on site. For example Odense Post Office in Denmark has employed a full-time reflexologist since 1990 and has reported saving around £100,000 a year due to a reduction in sickness and absenteeism.

Where can I find a reflexologist?

If you think reflexology is something that you would like to try either because stress is something you have to deal with, you are recovering from an illness, or you would like help in achieving a natural balance, then the Association of Reflexologists can help. It publishes a register of qualified and experienced reflexologists (available online at www.aor.org.uk) so you can find one in your area. For more information on reflexology and how it can help you, contact the Association of Reflexologists on 0870 567 3320.