Imagine if your next, or even your first implant could be selected for size by an expert according to the exact patient anatomy and placed by yourself to the perfect depth and angulation.

Independent implant specialist Ariston Dental has introduced an easy four-step plan to make this possible and ensure the most optimal implant placement – every time, even in difficult cases.

  • Step 1: Dentist shares CBCT and I/O scan (a study models can be scanned if I/O scan is unavailable)

  • Step 2: Ariston's in-house dentist determines the most optimal plan and shares this in written and video format ready for discussion and approval via a remote desktop link

  • Step 3: Once approved, a surgical guide is created to include one or more sleeves matched to the chosen PALTOP implant and shipped along with any custom prosthetic components

  • Step 4: Dentist completes the optimal placement – efficiently and economically.

More information is available at or by emailing Robert Teague at or calling him on 07800 990 131.