A simpler way to streamline restorative implant procedures, the On1 concept from Nobel Biocare offers dentists surgical flexibility like never before. Developed with making restorations more straightforward in mind, the On1 concept moves the restorative platform from bone level to tissue level. This preserves soft tissue attachment as the base remains in place throughout the lifetime of the restoration. It also means that impression taking and the attachment of restorative components becomes easier as the connection is readily accessible.

Designed with a unique prosthetic connection, the On1 concept can be paired with any of Nobel Biocare's conical implant systems, including NobelActive, NobelParallel, and NobelReplace. Due to this it has a wide variety of applications and can provide trusted levels of primary stability to numerous patient cases.

A proven solution that offers flexibility, strength and a simple workflow, the On1 concept from Nobel Biocare can truly revolutionise the way you provide restorations.

For more information, contact Nobel Biocare on 0208 756 3300, or visit www.nobelbiocare.com/on1.