
Papapanou P N et al. J Clin Periodontol 2018; 45 (Suppl 20): S162–S170

Based on pathophysiology, three clearly different forms of periodontitis have been recognised in the revised classification system: necrotising periodontitis, periodontitis as a direct manifestation of systemic diseases and periodontitis. 'Chronic' or 'aggressive' are now grouped under 'periodontitis' and are further characterised based on a multi-dimensional staging and grading system. Staging is dependent upon the severity of disease at presentation as well as on the complexity of disease management, while grading provides supplemental information about biological features of the disease including a history-based analysis of the rate of periodontitis progression; assessment of the risk for further progression; analysis of possible poor outcomes of treatment; and assessment of the risk that the disease or its treatment may negatively affect the general health of the patient.