
Bahramian H et al. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth 2018; 18: 153.

This qualitative study explored barriers influencing dental service utilisation amongst pregnant women. It included 22 pregnant women, 8 midwives and 12 dentists from public centres in Tehran. Face-to-face semi-structured interviewing and focus-group discussion methods were used. Reported barriers of dental service utilisation among pregnant women included: lack of knowledge and misbelief, cost of dental care, physiological changes, fear and other psychological conditions, time constraint, dentists' unwillingness to accept pregnant women for treatment, cultural taboos and lack of interprofessional collaboration. Solutions proposed by dentists, midwives and pregnant women to improve utilisation were categorised under provision of knowledge, financial support and establishing supportive policies. The authors concluded that understanding perceived barriers can be helpful for planning appropriate oral health education, financial support, and legislation tailored for lower income pregnant women, midwives and dentists in countries with a developing oral healthcare system.