This year's first combined British Dental Conference and Dentistry Show will take place on 18-19 May 2018 at Birmingham NEC. Visit and

The case for good sugars

Tim Ives will argue the case for 'good sugars' in his Hygienist & Therapist Symposium session 'Sweet offender versus sweet pretender: utilising sugars to treat and prevent disease'.

Dental nurses and dental photography

Diane Rochford will speak on the benefits of dental photography for dental nurses in the Dental Nurses Forum.

BDA Theatre

The BDA Theatre will have an exceptional speaker line-up including: Didier Dietschi, Niek Opdam, Charlotte Stilwell, Bhupinder Dawett, Koray Feran, Claire Field and Tidu Mankoo. Topics will include treating tooth wear; ethical restorative strategies; care for patients who have had dental implants placed by other clinicians, and much more.

Dental and systemic health

Melonie Prebble and Victoria Wilson will be exploring the links between oral and systemic health in the Hygienist & Therapist Symposium.

Understanding behavioural change

Dentist Ben Atkins will be presenting on patient understanding and behavioural change at the Hygienist & Therapist Symposium, and the importance of patient trial outcomes.

Enhancing implant treatment outcomes

Dr Paolo Nardinocchi from Italy will be discussing the topic of soft and hard tissue remodelling around an implant and introducing a new trans-mucosal neck design in the ADI Implant Theatre.

Dental medical emergencies

Helen Watson and Lynn Fox – owners and instructors from Orchard Training Services and ResusPlus Training respectively – will each present sessions on dental medical emergencies in the Core CPD Theatre.

Simple endodontic excellence

In his presentation entitled 'Make it simple, follow the StyleItaliano endodontics philosophy', Riccardo Tonini will explain the StyleItaliano mission of setting excellent standards while simplifying protocols to make endodontic treatment feasible, repeatable and more teachable. He will be speaking in the Special Interest Theatre.

Improving aesthetic outcomes

Dominic Hassall is presenting a session entitled 'Creating the perfect smile' in the BACD Aesthetic and Digital Dentist Theatre. He will discuss strategies to identify the precise aesthetic concerns of a patient, and how realistic and achievable these concerns are.