A selection of abstracts of clinically relevant papers from other journals.

The abstracts on this page have been chosen and edited by Reena Wadia

Flossing followed by brushing is preferred to brushing then flossing in order to reduce interdental plaque and increase fluoride concentration in interdental plaque.

Mazhari F et al. J Periodontol 2018; 89: 824–832.

This randomised controlled crossover trial aimed to evaluate the efficacy of the sequence of brushing and flossing on reducing interdental plaque and increasing fluoride retention in that area. After prophylaxis, 25 dental students discontinued all forms of oral hygiene for 48 hours. The study was performed in two phases with two-week washout intervals. In one phase, they first brushed, then flossed. In the other they used dental floss then brushed. Dental plaque (using the Rustogi Modified Navy Plaque Index) and fluoride concentrations (using a fluoride ion specific electrode) were measured before and after flossing and brushing. In the floss-brush group interdental and whole plaque was reduced significantly more than the brush-floss group. However, marginal plaque did not show any statistically significant difference between the two groups. Fluoride concentrations in interdental plaque were significantly higher in the floss-brush group than the other group.