Sir, I read with interest the article on Dentistry, and why it is a great career (BDJ 2017; 223: 81–84).

Having qualified over ten years ago, I can relate to many of the topics raised in this article. I am extremely grateful and indeed lucky to have had a diverse and interesting career to date across many areas within dentistry. However, one area that I believe this article has missed, but I feel is one of the most rewarding, are the many life-long friends I have made through dentistry.

Training for five years with some of us pursuing specialist training involves long hours studying along with numerous exams, whether in late night library studying groups or in the celebrations following exam successes at a bar, with that feeling of complete utopia for having passed. I'm sure many of us reading this could relate to those colleagues who were right by our side throughout the whole journey.

Indeed, there have been so many great moments I can relate to during my undergraduate and postgraduate training with colleagues (some of whom are as close as family to me now) that I simply would not have had pursuing other degrees.

In part I have become the professional and the person I am today because of them. I'm sure this is something with which many of your readers can relate.

1. Cardiff