Alan B. Carr and David T. Brown. Elsevier, 2015, price £92.99 pp. 392 ISBN:


McCracken's removable partial prosthodontics has long been an influential and informative resource for clinicians and students of all levels. This latest edition, the thirteenth, does not disappoint.

The book is divided into three logically sequenced sections. The first of which, 'general concepts/treatment planning', containing 12 chapters, provides the reader with a clear understanding of epidemiology, terminology, classifications, and partial denture components, paving the way to tackle the often poorly understood partial denture design topic in a sensible manor.

The second of the three sections incorporates clinical and laboratory techniques, bringing the reader through patient assessment, clinical stages and materials in nine chapters. A step-by-step approach is described, tying it all together with associated laboratory stages involved, which can all too often be forgotten. This section contains a very useful chapter on support for the distal extension denture base and how to improve functional support through impression techniques. The final section, 'maintenance', contains a very useful component covering repairs and additions to removal partial dentures.

Throughout, the text is beautifully accompanied by clinical photographs which themselves are usefully and informatively annotated. Shaded sections are jotted throughout the book, which are aimed for the more 'advanced' clinician. I personally found these useful and informative and would encourage practitioners of all stages to read them, not just those who are 'advanced'.

As with previous editions of this text, I would describe this book as a comprehensive text for anyone wishing to gain a greater understanding of removable partial dentures and in particular their design.

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