
Fueki K, Baba K. J Oral Rehabil 2017; 44: 563–572

The authors of this systematic review compared how patients rated their quality of life when they were functioning with a shortened dental arch (SDA) or when their posterior edentulous saddles were restored with either a removable prosthesis or implant-supported fixed partial prosthesis. It was found that patients were comfortable with a SDA approach at both 6 and 12 months after treatment. Not only did this have as favourable patient-centred outcome, particularly in the elderly, but that this approach would reduce costs. These conclusions must be viewed in the light that this systematic review was based only on two RCTs (SDA vs removable prosthesis) and one non-RCT (SDA vs implant-supported fixed partial prosthesis). In this latter study, carried out in Japan, there was a trend in favour of restorations of the edentulous space with implant-supported fixed partial prosthesis.