The Breath Co. have launched their Fresh Breath Chewing Gum in Boots stores and online (£4 per pack).

Until now, the only way to stop bad breath was to mask odour. The Breath Co. Gum is different. It does not mask odours with strong scents or flavourings. It fights them by attacking and neutralising volatile sulphur compounds (VSCs) that cause unpleasant breath odours. This gum is even effective on odours caused by onions, garlic, coffee and smoking. It will leave your whole mouth refreshed and your confidence restored.

This is an extension to The Breath Co.'s current product line of bad breath beating products – the oral-wash, lozenges and toothpaste. Boots offer all products individually and The Breath Co. Starter Kit which is £20 and includes the chewing gum, oral rinse and toothpaste.