GC's Tooth Mousse is a water-based, sugar-free, topical cream containing Recaldent CPP-ACP (caesin phosphopeptide – amorphous calcium phosphate). Once applied it acts like 'liquid tooth'!

It has been shown that twice daily use of a 1% CPP-ACP solution produces a 19% reduction in enamel demineralisation (Reynolds, 1988) and that the longer CPP-ACP is maintained in the mouth, the more effective the result. Consequently, GC's Tooth Mousse makes an important contribution to the protection of teeth in a wide range of situations where a mineral imbalance may arise.

Indications include restoring the mineral balance in patients with salivary deficiencies, such as xerostomia, or when proper oral hygiene procedures are difficult; and restoring the mineral content after procedures such as tooth whitening, professional cleaning, root planing and curettage, as well as reducing any resulting dentine hypersensitivity. Research has also shown that Recaldent can transform the visual opacity of new 'white spots' to a more natural 'tooth-like' translucency.

Tooth Mousse works quickly, within 2-5 minutes, and is available in five delicious flavours – strawberry, melon, vanilla, mint and tutti frutti.

For further information call GC UK Ltd on 01908 218999 or visit www.gceurope.com.