This year the British Society of Gerodontology (BSG) is 'Celebrating silver': their 25th anniversary.

In June, the Honorary President, Dr Heather Lloyd, Specialist in Special Care Dentistry and Honorary Senior Lecturer at the University of Kent, welcomed delegates to the Spring Conference in Shrewsbury.

Dr Heather Lloyd (left) with Dr Cathryn Mainwaring at the BSG's Spring Conference

The theme of 'Celebrating silver' included a wide scope of issues relevant to gerodontology for an audience of dentists working in special care dentistry, general dental practitioners and dental care professionals (DCPs). Dr Cathryn Mainwaring discussed pertinent issues in geriatric medicine such as DNACPRs and palliative care through case discussion of aspiration pneumonia; Professor StJohn Crean presented the research links between oral health and dementia; and Julie Procter, a dentist who cared for her mother with dementia, gave an inspiring and emotional account of her story. There was a practical and pragmatic presentation led by Dr Malcolm Edwards discussing options for older patients with a compromised dentition, strategies for managing tooth wear and methodical approaches with techniques for minimal intervention.

One of BSG's aspirations is to further its work with and in support of DCPs and it is proud to have Rosalyn Davies, Dental Programme Manager, 1,000 Lives Service Improvement for Public Health Wales, as President-elect for 2017. Rosalyn will be the society's first DCP president.

BSG's Winter Conference will be held on 1 December in London with the theme of 'Safeguarding for the future'. For further information and details of the society's work, visit