As a special January offer you can get six UltraDEX Implant/Perio Care Kits (value £69) FREE when you order 18 kits (until Monday 15 February 2016 when the offer ends; terms and conditions apply).

Preventive maintenance and patient compliance are key to increasing the success rate of treatments and UltraDEX fits perfectly within the process of oral hygiene before, during and after dental procedures. The UltraDEX Aesthetic/Implant/Perio Care Kits offer outstanding value for money and can be customised with practice details and logo at no extra cost (subject to a minimum order of 60). They bridge the gap between professional and at-home oral care and are a great tool to market your practice.

Acting as an oxidising agent and working closely with the natural oral pH, the clinically proven technology within UltraDEX eliminates oral bacteria and volatile sulphur compounds (VSCs). VSCs have been shown to play a pathological role in the development of gum problems.

Used and recommended by dental professionals for over two decades, why not incorporate these kits into your treatment plan today? For further information or to place your order, email, quoting 'special BDJ January offer'.