Award-winning, state-of-the-art dental isolation from Isolite Systems is now available from Henry Schein Dental.

Isolite is the only dental isolation system that delivers illumination, suction and retraction in one simple, time-saving system, providing uninterrupted access and total control of the oral environment.

Isolite provides two channels of continuous hands-free vacuum suction with brilliant and adjustable LED illumination, including a 'Cure Safe' mode for light-sensitive materials. Dual vacuum control enables suction to be focused in the upper or lower quadrant, providing tongue and cheek retraction ensuring control of moisture and oral humidity at all times.

The Isovac Dental Isolation Adapter has been designed with dental hygiene procedures in mind. Isovac makes it easy to control the oral environment providing the same isolation and retraction advantages of the Isolite mouthpiece during single handed hygiene consultations.

Isolite and Isovac offer dental practitioners a range of options for minimally invasive dental isolation for every patient, whatever the procedure. For more details contact Henry Schein on Freephone 0800 028 4870 or visit