European Antibiotic Awareness Day (EAAD) on 18 November is now an established event in the calendar, and this year also sees the World Health Organisation's first World Antibiotic Awareness Week (WAAW; 16–22 November). These campaigns aim to highlight to everyone – from the public and health professionals to governments – the serious threat of antimicrobial resistance (AMR). They will outline the actions we can all take to minimise its spread and preserve the efficacy of existing antibiotics, on which we depend for so many aspects of modern healthcare.

The BDA has engaged directly with the Chief Medical Officer for England, who has been spearheading national and global work on AMR, and highlighted the importance of considering dentistry in her agenda. We have contributed to national policymaking through consultation responses and are entering partnerships with other organisations including Public Health England and the EAAD campaign to synergise our efforts and influence. We urge you to show your support for our work and engage with EAAD and WAAW by taking the Antibiotic Guardian pledge ( and talking to your patients, colleagues, family and friends about the vital importance of using our precious antibiotics wisely.