A Dental Protection survey of 497 members found that 97% experience challenging interactions with patients – half of those encountering it monthly and one in three on a weekly basis. Fifty-six percent of respondents had experienced aggressive demands for treatment, 48% had received verbal abuse, and a further 39% experienced violent or aggressive behaviour.

Challenging interactions were found to impact on 88% of respondents' practice working environment with 94% believing it causes stress and anxiety amongst the dental team, 73% feel it causes a fear of complaints and claims, and 67% reported it leads to delays in appointments.

The majority of respondents (85%) told us that they believe patient expectations are higher than they were five years ago and 50% believe unmet patient expectations to be the most common reason for challenging encounters. Other top factors behind challenging interactions included the patient's aggressive temperament (43%), a breakdown in communication between the dentist and patient (37%), and the patient's anxiety about dental treatment (35%).

Dental Protection Director, Kevin Lewis said: 'It is important that dentists are well equipped to deal with such challenges'.