
Roccuzzo M, Bonino L et al. Clin Oral Implants Res 2014; 25: 1105–1112

An aim of this study was to compare the outcome of placing implants in partially edentulous patients with and without periodontal disease. Some 250 implants were placed in 149 consecutively enrolled patients (26 lost to follow-up) between December 1998 and September 2001. By implication therefore, but not stated, the outcome for each patient was assessed 10 years after the implant was placed. All patients received initial periodontal treatment and supportive periodontal treatment during the study. Pus was associated with 10% of the implants placed in those patients with periodontal disease. When analysed at the implant level, survival was 93% in patients 'who did not adhere to' supportive periodontal therapy. In addition, over 20% of patients who initially presented with periodontal disease, demonstrated a probing depth ≥6 mm at one of their implants. There was no comparison of outcome data for sandblasted and acid-etched implants.