Sir, the General Dental Council has been found to have acted unlawfully in its consultation on the increase to dentists' registration fees. In addition the Professional Standards Authority has found the GDC to be unfit for purpose, a position that was found to have improved little in a recent review.

I recently received email notifications from both the Chair of Council and Chief Executive of the GDC attempting to explain and justify their actions in the light of the damning court judgement. Nowhere in these messages was there an apology or attempt to show remorse for the unlawful actions.

If the GDC were to find a dentist to have acted unlawfully and their practice unfit for purpose that dentist would have been immediately suspended and in all probability struck off the register by the GDC.

Those responsible at the GDC for this unlawful action must be held to account and suffer consequences. If they are not prepared to take the decent course of action then the profession should act as a whole and call for their resignations. The profession can best do this through its professional association, the BDA, and I am pleased to see that the executive officers of the BDA are actively attempting to hold the GDC to account.

As an individual dentist who has lost all confidence in the GDC and is disgusted by recent events, I call for the Chief Executive, the Chair of Council and those responsible for approving the unlawful action to resign.

1. Cardiff