Poligrip will be on TV screens this summer as part of a £2.7 million media campaign. The Poligrip for Partials campaign is aimed at educating partial denture wearers on how to avoid further tooth loss by raising awareness of the Poligrip for Partials range launched last year.

The TV campaign focuses on the damage that partial dentures can cause to natural teeth and how important it is to protect them, especially since partial denture wearers are almost twice as likely to lose another tooth than non-partial wearers. The advert confronts toothloss in a touching manner by illustrating relatable moments in life that everyone can engage with, mentioning that you may lose your mobile phone or a pair of socks at some point in life, but you want to avoid losing another tooth. It also shows the significance of caring for partial dentures properly by using specially formulated products as part of an oral care routine.

The TV campaign will be supported with print and online advertising. The Poligrip portfolio includes a range of clinically proven and efficacious products to improve life with dentures and provide wearers with the confidence to engage more fully in life. Poligrip is sold throughout multiple retailers and pharmacies.