I get up at 6:40 am at home in the East Riding of Yorkshire, let the dogs out and make coffee. I don't eat breakfast but I do need my coffee. I travel the 12 miles to the infirmary in my car or on my Ducati.

My time is divided between either operating, undertaking clinics, ward rounds, on call or more recently in a tutor role for the Trust. I deliver a broad workload including new patient clinics and operate both in and out of hours. I undertake two of my own clinics a week plus others and I see a lot of people with oral medicine needs.

Operatively I range from facial trauma (hard and soft tissue), through cervico-facial infections, complex oral surgery, TMJ arthrocentesis and salivary gland removal, and have undertaken orthognathic surgery in the past. I participate in oncology and am trained in micro-vascular surgery. The caseload is varied and that is what makes it interesting.

I am lucky enough to work with a large multi-disciplinary team including nursing staff (medical and dental), DFTs/FTs, SAS Grades, StRs and Consultants across many different medical and dental specialities.

Lunch is eaten while doing admin between other tasks. On a Monday I leave my pack up (Hull for lunchbox) in the anaesthetic room for bites between cases.

I am from Wolverhampton originally, but graduated BChD from Leeds in 1995. Following VT, an associate year and almost four years as an SHO, I spent seven years as a staff grade surgeon and so far seven years as an associate specialist.

I didn't have a clear career path in mind when I left school. I enjoyed the sciences and was accepted into dental school: I was the first in my family to attend university. Since being exposed to surgery I have always enjoyed this side of things. I still remember seeing my first laparotomy as a third year dental student.

Pete Brotherton, 43, is an associate specialist in oral and maxillofacial surgery at Hull Royal Infirmary (HRI), Chair of the BDA Hull and East Riding section, and President Elect for the BDA Hospitals Group. He is also a council member of the British Association of Oral Surgeons and an SAS Tutor for HRI NHS Trust.

Due to my workload and 1 in 5 on call commitment with nights and weekend working I have 'non-contractual' time in the week to try and keep me 48 hours compliant. Mostly I undertake admin for my wider roles or housework if my wife gets to me first.

My wife Louise is a general medical practitioner and we have two children (proven in court!); one is 13 and the other ten.

My original involvement with the BDA Hull and East Riding section came when I first moved to the area. I was encouraged to attend and have now been Chair for over two years. We have a very active section and meet once a month with a busy social life as well. We have good attendances and due to the group's diverse membership have very informative meetings. The workload is not onerous providing a little pre-planning is undertaken as most jobs are shared out. Yorkshire seems to have a fair number of BDA 'big hitters' and it was my pleasure to have the Chair of the PEC as my left hand man (literally) at our recent Black Tie Summer meal.

I noticed an advert for the BDA Hospitals Group in the BDJ and contacted the then-Chair. I was immediately welcomed and joined the group. I am President-Elect for 2014-2015 and my role is to construct the National Scientific Study day. This will be held in Leeds on 7 November and will be themed around education. The day will encompass how to educate in modern times and incorporate how you will be monitored as regards to the GDC's thoughts on revalidation. The day should provide valuable information (at very good value) to final year dental students through to DF trainers, hospital practitioners of whatever grade and GDPs, and will attract six hours of verifiable CPD.

The Hospitals Group's main aim is for the education of hospital dentists. Sometimes I think we all lose sight of the fact that at one stage we were all learners. The study day is a fantastic opportunity to see national speakers from the dental world, hear what is current and network with colleagues.

Outside dentistry, I am a member of Cave Players in South/North Cave. My wife kindly volunteered me as she knew that I'd participated in the dental review every year as an undergraduate. My last role was Abanazar the Great Magician in 'Aladdin'. It was the third biggest part in the panto and took a lot of my non-existent spare time up! Our trainees who watched seemed to enjoy it.

I am also a PADI Master Scuba Diver and a keen skier. Along with my family, I took up piano about five years ago. I am about to sit my grade 4 in November.

If I have any other spare time, I really love watching films and reading comics. I won't mention the six foot transfer of Wolverine on my study wall... We also have three chickens, two dogs, two fish and a bearded dragon.

I can't see myself leaving the hospital environment. People might be a bit wriggly if I was to fix their broken jaws with them awake! For the future, I would like to see a reasonable pathway through to consultant oral surgeon (and some adamantium claws).


Interview by Kate Quinlan