Sir, I was interested to see your article about 'view from my window' (BDJ 2014; 216: 549) and a request that people submit their own photographs showing the views from their windows.

I remember a similar series of articles and photographs published (I think in Dental Update) in the mid-late 1980s – certainly during the years when my son (born 1981) was young. I remember that the clear winner was a practice that could boast a beautiful view of the beach in Jersey from their practice window.

This created a backlash from practices with awful views.

I remember that I considered submitting a photograph taken from the window of my mobile clinic which was parked in the grounds of a secondary school adjacent to a building shrouded in plastic that was being stripped of asbestos by men in hazard suits. However, I didn't do so and even if I had I would have doubtless still have lost out to the eventual winner who could boast the back entrance to the local VD clinic in an old Victorian building as his winning view!

I look forward to seeing the results of your current 'competition'.

Send the view from your workplace window to