Clark Dental offers a range of outstanding digital imaging solutions designed to keep you at the forefront of dental technology. This includes Schick 33 – the latest addition to the Schick Digital Imaging System.

Featuring the industry's highest image resolution and lowest learning curve, Schick 33 includes powerful DICOM digital radiography software, to give you a level of diagnostic control unlike ever before.

Schick 33 has a special clinical-specific mapping feature so you can quickly and simply change between presets for general dentistry, endodontics, periodontics or restorative dentistry. You can also save personalised presets for yourself and for your colleagues, which makes the system ideal for multi-clinician practices.

To find out more contact Clark Dental today. If you already own Schick products, upgrading to include Schick 33 is easy. You can also trade in your existing system up to 50% with Clark Dental's new trade-in programme designed to help you stay ahead of the game.

Telephone Clark Dental on 01268 733 146 or visit