JUVORA, the dental innovations company specialising in the next generation of denture material, has announced Knight Dental Design as one of the first dental laboratories in the UK to become a JUVORA Certified Partner, enabling them to offer patients, dentists and other dental laboratories cutting-edge technology in partial and removable dentures.

Knight Dental Design, awarded UK Dental Laboratory of the Year 2013, uses the latest state of the art technology to complement their hand crafted cosmetic, restorative and implant solutions by offering JUVORA metal free options for high performance removable dentures and screw retained bridges.

The JUVORA Dental Disc is a high purity and high performance polymer that is digitally manufactured through CAD/CAM equipment for optimum patient fit. Dental frameworks manufactured with the JUVORA Dental Disc are lightweight and high-strength but, compared to the metal usually used, there is also some flex which means a denture solution which acts more like the natural underlying tissue.

