Striking figures uncovered in new research have revealed just how few practices are aware of statistical data relating to the day-to-day running of their business. Figures show 60% of dentists do not know the numbers of lapsed patients in their practice, 40% don't track where new patients come from and 30% are unaware how many new patients visit their practice each month.

As the green shoots of economic recovery take hold, Software of Excellence commissioned its latest Whitepaper, Facing the Challenge of New Patient Acquisition, to help guide practices to growth and prosperity.

The business solutions expert has collated data from over 1,500 UK practices giving them a unique insight into what constitutes an efficient practice. One of the most surprising pieces of data highlighted was the extent to which dentists underestimate the need for new patients.

The report has also brought sharply into focus the simple changes practices can implement to improve efficiency and revenue and can now be downloaded for you to read at leisure.

To download Software of Excellence's latest Whitepaper visit