GC UK has put together Word of Mouth: a full colour brochure showing their latest promotions so that you can see the best prices for GC products and find out how GC products can benefit you and your patients.

GC prides themselves on their minimal intervention programme. It has been designed to reduce the loss of healthy tooth tissue, as well as helping patients to manage their own mouths with a variety of products such as Tooth Mousse sugar free topical paste, which provides extra protection for patients' teeth, and Tri Plaque ID Gel. This product allows you and your patient to identify areas of plaque in three easy steps.

Dentonauts are a family of characters that have been designed to help you encourage your younger patients to protect vulnerable erupting teeth with Fuji Triage. Fuji Triage is a self-adhesive material, is insensitive to moisture and has a low enough viscosity to penetrate pits and fissures, making it truly effective.

To receive your copy of Word of Mouth simply ask your local GC representative, or call GC directly on 01908 218999.