Drill-less, needle-free and painless dental treatment in a relaxing and comfortable setting has 'arrived' in Milton Keynes with the opening of Dentist Direct in Grange Farm.

Dentist Direct Milton Keynes opened its doors on 27 March, offering Waterlase technology, a combination of YSGG laser energy and water (HydroPhotonics), which is used to perform many traditional dental procedures with less anaesthesia. It is designed to reduce patient anxiety, minimise pain and trauma and create a more comfortable experience for patients.

The practice's principal dentist is Mrs Girija Sree Challa (pictured, right, with Craig Huntingdon, Dentist Direct's CEO), who also has a master's degree in children's dental health. 'Our treatments ensure comfort and accuracy and reduce bleeding, post-treatment pain and swelling,' said Mrs Challa, 'which is very important for children, but great for adults too!'