In a poll of 175 dentists and dental hygienists, 79% believed that most patients are failing to follow even the simplest oral care recommendations – such as brushing for two minutes twice a day. Dental professionals' concerns are substantiated by consumer research, with a poll of 1,000 consumers revealing that a fifth of office based employees (21%) regularly miss brushing their teeth in their rush to get to work.

Wrigley Oral Healthcare says that the findings of their surveys demonstrate that consumers simply don't understand that their teeth come under constant attack and the importance of committing to a daily oral care routine. Wrigley continue to significantly invest in Extra, sugarfree gum that is a vital addition to brushing twice a day, especially when consumers are away from home.

Extra sugarfree gum is launching a brand new 46-pellet bottle. Its convenient size and shape means that it can be carried around in a handbag, placed in the car or placed on the desk, and Wrigley hope to communicate the benefits of chewing sugarfree gum after eating and drinking.

The benefits of chewing sugarfree gum are well documented and it is a clinically proven way to look after oral health while 'on the go'. Chewing sugarfree gum after eating and drinking stimulates the flow of saliva which washes away food debris and it helps neutralise damaging plaque acids and remineralise tooth enamel.

For more information about the Wrigley Oral Healthcare Programme visit the dedicated site for dental professionals