General article (BDJ 2012; 212: 243–245)

'Europe's oldest jaw: Evidence of oral pathology'

In the above general article the following statements should have been included:

  1. 1

    Following the sentence 'Given these considerations, this specimen is considered highly protected material by the National Research Centre of Human Evolution (CENIEH) and thus strong measures have been imposed to restrict access to it.' (Introduction, page 243), the subsequent clarification should be added:

    'Thus, the analysis in this paper was carried out using photographs of the fossil and did at no time involve examination of the fossil itself.

    Whilst this paper was in preparation, a detailed paleopathological study of the specimen was carried out and reported by Martinón-Torres et al.32'

    32. Martinón-Torres M, Martín-Francés L, Gracia A et al. Early Pleistocene human mandible from Sima del Elefante (TE) cave site in Sierra de Atapuerca (Spain): a palaeopathological study. J Hum Evol. 2011; 61: 1–11.

  2. 2

    The caption for Figure 1 should include the following statement: 'Figure reproduced with the permission of Ricardo Ordoñez, photographer. Spain.' The captions for Figures 2-3 should include the following statement: 'Figure reproduced with the permission of Agencia DiCYT. Spain.'

The authors apologise for any confusion caused.