R. S. Nanda, Y. S. Tosun. UK: Quintessence price £65.00; pp 168 ISBN


Biomechanics in orthodontics: principles and practice is a well-illustrated and comprehensive book that details the dental tissue responses and mechanical applications of orthodontic treatment to achieve successful outcomes. Its primary reading audience is postgraduate students and specialists who have an interest in the study of orthodontics.

This 168 page book is divided into nine chapters and follows two main sections. The first section is primarily non-clinical and provides the reader with a good understanding of the mechanical principles and its effects on isolated tooth movements. The second section details the orthodontic management of clinical cases and the application of these principles to provide an effective treatment plan.

The opening chapter entitled 'physical principles' starts by explaining the numerous laws of mechanics and forces applied in orthodontics. Readers may find this daunting when they first pick up the book given the use of terminology and concepts are primarily relevant to the study of physics. This issue, however, is clearly addressed by the authors who explain each principle systematically in clear and concise language and with good use of illustrations to allow straightforward understanding of advanced principles.

The book continues to detail the multi-factorial component of biomechanics and its importance in orthodontics. This includes the material science and selection of wires, elastics and brackets, manipulating forces for long and short term and overall effect on dental tissues, to produce ideal tooth movements without harm.

Lastly, the authors outline the application of these rules in treating patients with differing orthodontic needs. Again, the systematic layout of this book allows the reader to easily digest the information provided by separating the chapters into the correction of vertical, transverse and anteroposterior discrepancies and finally space closure.

Throughout this book, the authors have used clear language to describe advanced principles which have been supplemented with good use of diagrams, graphical data and clinical photographs that makes reading the book straightforward and interesting. The authors have been logical in laying out chapters, helping the reader as one progresses through the book. Additionally, I have been impressed with the use of evidence-based practice where several studies and references have been used to help the practitioner make their own clinical decisions. Overall, this book would certainly be of great use to all those who have a special interest in the field of orthodontics.