Sir, I wondered if you could post this vacancy among your members.

My name is Josephine Hook and I am from Edinburgh. I work for the charity Cenit in Quito, Ecuador,

We are desperately short of dentists in our impoverished communities in the South of Quito. Cenit works mainly with working children and their families in the market areas. These children even at the age of four have very poor teeth. The school has 140 children and works with 250 families. There is one appointment twice a week for two children with a local dentist. We currently have a US student, who leaves in May, who has helped greatly in organising appointments with the dental students at a university nearby but medical and dental help is required urgently. This university will break up in July and August and that help will end. I wondered if any of your dental students, dentists or retired dentists would be interested in helping in Quito? If anyone speaks Spanish it would be most useful.

Thank you.
