P. Ward Booth, B. L. Eppley, R. Schmelzeisen. UK: Elsevier price £239.00; pp 640 ISBN


Changes in the aetiology and management of maxillofacial trauma over the past ten years have led to the need for a new book on this complex area of trauma. Filled with hundreds of superb, full-colour photographs and step-by-step, illustrated procedures, this book is your definitive source on all aspects of managing facial trauma.

World-renowned authors deliver today's foremost guidance on everything from management of the acute trauma patient to the newest materials in surgical trauma and secondary procedures for improved facial appearance. This edition reflects the latest trends, concepts and innovations in the care of patients with facial trauma. It is a comprehensive text dealing with a difficult area, where competing titles are plentiful. Yet a new perspective is provided as facial trauma management and reconstruction are covered in one hardback book. For this reason, together with the sheer quantity and quality of the photos and illustrations, this book is highly recommended. This text offers complete coverage of maxillofacial trauma highlighted by an unparalleled collection of 800 outstanding, full-colour photographs and over 300 highly detailed line drawings that clarify surgical procedures.

An immediate care chapter provides guidance on stabilising the acute patient prior to surgery. All aspects of maxillofacial trauma are covered from management of the acute trauma case to secondary procedures to improve facial appearance and function. Sections are devoted to the definitive management of hard and soft tissue injuries. Topics include a logical approach to orbital trauma and nasoethmoidal, maxillary and panfacial fractures. The reconstruction of large hard and soft tissue loss of the face is demonstrated succinctly and management of traumatic facial nerve injuries including microsurgical repair are illustrated coherently. The psychosocial impact of facial disfigurement is reinforced and the predictors of good long-term outcome are discussed. This edition addresses secondary surgery covering such topics as facial scar management, secondary osteotomies and bone grafting to correct deformities. Bone distraction, used commonly with congenital malformations and secondary rhinoplasty for traumatic nasal deformities, which are associated with a variety of cosmetic and functional issues, are also discussed. A highly illustrated imaging chapter describes the best radiological investigations for each type of injury. A final section is devoted to biomaterials used in craniomaxillofacial surgery and alloplastic biomaterials used in the repair of facial fractures. Those who face the challenges of facial trauma including trainee and practicing oral, maxillofacial, otolaryngologic and plastic surgeons will find this text particularly valuable.