
Kirby G, Kapoor K et al. Ann R Coll Surg Engl 2012; 94: 90–93

The authors recount a story, no doubt apocryphal, of a surgeon needing 'to take a taxi to the hospital on several occasions to complete his on-call duties because he was over [the] legal driving limit.' In this study, four ENT surgeons performed microlaryngoscopy on a manikin after consuming increasing amounts of alcohol. There was an association between deteriorating surgical performance and increasing volumes of wine consumed, although one glass of wine had no deleterious effect. After three glasses of wine, communication was impaired and 'participants began to use inappropriate language' with scrub nurses. Parallels are made between the exacting roles required from surgeons and pilots. Guidelines 'advise pilots to abstain from alcohol for at least 24 hours before flying.'