
Laine M L, Crielaard W et al. Periodontol 2000 2012; 58: 37–68

This narrative review uses 14 summary tables and cites 164 papers. Periodontitis has commonality with, for example, Crohn's disease in that it is a 'complex disease' involving multiple, low penetrance genes, each with a limited role. In addition, genetic risk factors for one population may not be the same as for another population. The authors cite a meta-analysis that found moderate/weak associations between IL1 composite and IL1B-511 genotypes and those with chronic periodontitis. In another meta-analysis, the TLR4 +399 R allele showed a protective effect for aggressive periodontitis. The reviewers concede that many studies in this field 1) lack statistical power, and 2) the classification of periodontal diseases is 'clearly unsatisfactory'.