Implantologists can gain the confidence to tackle complex cases on an advanced course featuring live surgery and hands-on training. 'Sinus Augmentation and Bone Grafting' is presented by Dr Nadir Khan and Dr Tushar Patel at Colchester Dental Referral Centre twice during 2012. Delegates assist with patient treatment and practise procedures on sheep's skulls and pigs' mandibles.

The two-day programme from Dentsply Friadent is designed for implantologists who wish to understand the management of difficult cases with compromised bone. The content includes demonstrations of bone grafting, sinus floor management and soft tissue grafting, with or without simultaneous implant placement.

Colchester Dental Referral Centre is a purpose-designed, multidisciplinary, specialist referral centre. The Sinus Augmentation and Bone Grafting course will run on 18-19 April and 17-18 October 2012 and group size will be limited to six to allow maximum interaction.

Reader response number 57