R. Chidell, I. Sutton. UK: Claritax Books price £14.50; pp 50 ISBN


Like it or lump it, tax is an area where all dentists could discover substantial savings for their businesses and improve understanding. This little book gives a contemporary overview of capital allowances, authored by stalwarts in the field, specifically aimed at those involved in running dental practices.

Ten short chapters convey simply and succinctly what is a complex and ever-changing subject. It is intended to be read in one hour, cover to cover. The format is well organised, and throughout are case-based examples directly applicable to dentistry. Chapters include advice on acquisitions and preparing to sell your property. These go some way to highlighting common pitfalls and misconceptions concerning capital allowances.

The book does not intend to make you an expert, but provides a basis and introduction to the topic. Enterprising dental practitioners, at any point in their career, could benefit from further insight into the world of other professional colleagues we rely upon, as well as the broader topic of tax itself.

I recommend this as a very readable text, which for some will give peace of mind, and for others will give necessary direction. By applying principles set out in the book, and obtaining the right professional advice, substantial financial benefits can be recognised, particularly in the background of future changes to tax rules and economic hardship.