
Baek S-H, Shon W-J et al. Clin Oral Implant Res 2012: 23; 1269–1274

The use of a plastic or plastic-headed scaler tip for débridement of dental implants has been advocated because they cause minimal surface damage. However, the ability of these tips to disrupt deposits has been questioned. In this study, the 'efficiency' of a novel metallic copper alloy ultrasonic scaler tip was found to be many fold higher than a plastic tip and comparable to a conventional stainless-steel tip. In the second arm of this study, the metallic copper alloy tip caused minimal damage to the titanium experimental block and significantly less than the conventional stainless steel tip. Depending on operating conditions, there is considerable variability in the 'efficiency' of ultrasonic scaler tips, even if they are of the same design.