Natural Fabrics Clothing uses an exclusive mix of bamboo and organic cotton for its range of work uniforms, resulting in a range of unique green and practical benefits.

For over 70 years petrol-based synthetic fabrics have formed the basis for work wear, in particular uniforms, throughout the UK and the world, with cheap Far East production dominating the market. Natural Fabrics uses a 70% bamboo and 30% organic cotton mix which will bring all of the benefits of natural fibres such as anti-bacterial properties alongside being hypoallergenic and anti-fungal – perfect for sensitive or allergy prone skin. As well as being more caring for the wearer, the fabrics hold excellent environmental credentials as they are fully biodegradable and compostable.

Bamboo is the fastest growing plant in the world and spreads rapidly across large areas; it grows naturally without the use of pesticides or fertilisers; is cut, not uprooted, which helps soil stability; grows on hill slopes where nothing else is viable; yields ten times more fabric per acre than cotton; and has a tiny water requirement unlike some other crops such as cotton.
