
Davis GR, Tayeb RA et al. J Dent 2012; 40: 571–576

This study used X-ray microtomography, a miniaturised form of CT, to map dentine before and after crown preparation, in 16 extracted intact incisor teeth. A single operator endeavoured to cut metal ceramic crown preparations of common design characteristics and dimensions (2 mm reduction incisally, 1.2 mm labially and a 0.5 mm chamfer finish line palatally and proximally). Although 'factors that affect the pulp size and condition such as age and pre-existing chronic inflammation could not be taken into consideration', the investigators assert the labial proximal line angles were consistently over-prepared 'with a tendency to leave considerably less than 2 mm residual dentine protecting the pulp'. It was not discussed as to whether or not pulpal death is as a consequence of residual thickness of dentine or microbial leakage.