As of 20 November 2011 MJDF candidates are no longer required to submit a Portfolio of Evidence. Upon successful completion of the Part 1 and Part 2 examinations, candidates are now eligible for joint membership of the Diploma of Membership of the Joint Dental Faculties at The Royal College of Surgeons of England (the MJDF).

The Faculties are committed to ensuring that the MJDF assessments remain relevant to modern dentistry. A recent review of the existing Portfolio of Evidence and the Foundation Training Portfolio concluded that there was a significant degree of commonality. In parallel with this, skills originally only examined through the portfolio are increasingly being assessed in a valid and reliable manner within the other components of the MJDF examination. Furthermore, all clinical providers are also now required to comply with the Care Quality Commission so ensuring a safe environment and quality of patient care.

In view of all of these factors, the Faculties have announced that they are content that the aims of the Portfolio of Evidence will continue to be met without it being a requirement for the award of the MJDF.

The MJDF examination continues to mark the successful completion of Foundation Training and clinical experience at the two year period, as well as being relevant to practitioners at other stages in their careers.

'The demands on candidates have changed, but the academic rigour and integrity of the MJDF have been maintained,' said Kathryn Harley, Dean of the Faculty of Dental Surgery.

Those who have already completed the portfolio, or intend to complete it in accordance with the requirements set out in the previous regulations, will be issued with an additional certificate recognising this achievement. Portfolios for this certification will need to be submitted by 31 August 2012.