Russ was born in Norwich in November 1955. His father was an army major; Russ consequently spent his formative years in a number of locations. His education began in Winchester and was completed at Stratford Grammar School. He commenced University in Birmingham in 1975, qualifying in 1979. He was an immensely popular student and a genuine sporting all-rounder, representing both the dentists and the university in a number of sports. Of particular note was lacrosse. Prior to university he had never played the sport, but with two weeks' practice, he was selected for the university first team.

On qualification, Russ spent a year doing oral surgery at East Birmingham Hospital before going into practice in Acocks Green in South Birmingham in 1981; he became a partner 12 months later.

His sporting prowess continued and he was a highly competent golfer and an exceptionally good skier, gaining the French advanced skiing qualification.

In everything he did, he set himself the highest standards and always prepared himself meticulously for any challenges that lay ahead.

Russ has been a stalwart of Birmingham LDC since 1986. There had been an 'old guard' who had come to treat the LDC as an old boys' club, unaccountable; Russ and others decided to depose those they felt worked for themselves and not the interests of their constituents. It was a philosophy Russ confirmed with his years of service to the LDC as Chair and Treasurer.

Russ was often forceful in meetings, not accepting waffle and able to see through anyone who really did not believe what they were saying. But he was never rude or lost his temper, he surgically won arguments. He chose to stand again at the election last March despite his ongoing illness; this delighted everyone and he was re-elected as he had been many times before, confirming how important he still thought his responsibility – but sadly his health worsened.

Russ is a man who will never be replaced in Birmingham dental politics and a huge influence on many both as a professional and in doing the right thing.