Peter and Fiona Sands, of Saint Helens Dental Practice, Abingdon, will be two of around 300 cyclists cycling over 300 miles from London to Paris in aid of The Royal British Legion in September. The Sands hope to raise over £5,000 to help the Legion, which supports serving and ex-Service men and women and their dependants.

CosTech Elite Dental Laboratory is contributing to the charity Operation Smile throughout 2011. Operation Smile restores the faces of thousands of children with facial deformities every year that may not have otherwise had the chance of a normal life. For every restoration created by CosTech Elite, 15p will be donated to Operation Smile.

Dental implant supplier Implantium has donated muco-periosteal elevators to the Mission Ecuador project, a week-long expedition organised by the Dental Community Fellowship based in South Carolina, which was assisted by Dr Nigel Mallon of Taptonville House Dental Practice, Sheffield, in collaboration with the Sheffield School of Clinical Dentistry. The Mission Ecuador project provided dental treatment to more than 3,000 patients in Quito, Ecuador's capital, and provided oral health education in local schools.

Dr Mavis Phipps, who raised £400,000 through organising Christmas Raffles over 13 years for the British Dental Association's (BDA's) Benevolent Fund, has retired after being an important part of the Fund for 23 years. Dr Phipps was recently awarded the BDA's highest honour, the Fellowship of the Association, for her outstanding services to the BDA and the profession.

The dental team from The Brace Orthodontic Practice in London are taking part in the 6th annual Mouth Cancer 10 km Awareness Walk for the first time this year. Dr Murtuza Hasnaini and his team are walking the 10 km in Hyde Park, London, on 17 September 2011 to help raise funds and awareness for the Mouth Cancer Foundation.

Five members of the Performance Finance team, who provide the healthcare sector with independent financial products, are taking part in a charity skydive – jumping out of an aeroplane at 13,500 feet – to raise money for Bridge2Aid.