A DVD called 'Healthy Life and a Healthy Smile' has been produced by NHS Fife Community Dental Service, Event and Media Solutions and Fife Social Work Service. It is designed to help people with learning disabilities and their carers have a more positive experience with healthy life choices and to promote good oral health practices.

The DVD contains two short films; the first shows a day in the life of somebody with a learning disability and the healthy choices he makes in his day. It highlights the areas of diet, personal hygiene, physical activity and social interaction. The second film is designed to show how to help somebody brush their teeth.

'We will be distributing the DVD to all Fife Council group homes and day centres to promote healthy living,' said John Wilson of Event and Media Solutions, Social Work Service.

'Having a healthy mouth is so important to people's health and sense of wellbeing,' said Jonathan Kallow, Specialist in Special Care Dentistry from Fife Community Dental Service.

The DVD also has some Healthy Living advice booklets in an easy-to-read format to communicate the message about choices and wellbeing.