Introduction to metal ceramic technology, 2nd edition

  • W. P. Naylor
UK: Quintessence price £68.00; pp 232 ISBN 9780867154603 | ISBN: 978-0-8671-5460-3

This text aims to introduce a skill-orientated technical approach to metal-ceramics in practice. Each chapter has been revised with the aim of providing detailed technical material data from the original text, and is complemented throughout by contemporary product information.

The history of the metal-ceramic restoration is described and expanded upon to enlighten the reader on the evolution of the interface between these materials. The chemistry of porcelain is explored and includes the contemporary classifications of this material. In addition, subjects such as fluorescence, metamerism, and opalescence are explained and clarified along with other designations of the material to reflect current usage. Various alloys are included in the discussion, and a section on biocompatibility has been expanded to highlight the indications of allergic responses to the constituent elements.

The fundamentals of spruing, investing, and casting are described, discussed and categorised to allow the reader a true understanding of their principles and aims. The classical and contemporary mechanisms of the porcelain-metal attachment and substructure preparation are covered in depth and include the reasons for bond failure.

Following this, the application of the porcelain to the metal, buildup techniques and firing are covered. Finally, the adjusting and finishing of the restoration and the colour science interface are explained.

For any practising dental practitioner, a thorough understanding of a materials properties and limitations are crucial for case selection, treatment planning, and ultimately, success. This book expertly guides the reader through the world of ceramic-metal technology in a clinically relevant manner. Although at times detailed beyond the requirements of the average practitioner, the structure and presentation of salient points, and the rationale behind methodologies cannot fail to be of use to all dental surgeons. All aspects of the text are beautifully illustrated to ensure maximum impact and, of particular note, at the close of each chapter are synopses of selected journal articles and textbooks for further study and evidence based learning.

This book is highly recommended for any practitioner wishing to gain more from their materials and a must for any dental institute's library.