Launched in association with interactive teaching and online training company Smile-on, Dentalghar is offering an Educational Bursary Award to help students and clinicians fund their education.

A bursary of up to £2,000 is available for the winner, and the scheme aims to raise the awareness of issues relating to communication and mutual understanding between dental professionals and their patients, and thereby enhance the quality of care.

Candidates must submit an entry of 2,000 words or more which can take the form of articles, projects, research reports and other written work, which needs to highlight the difficulties for dental health professionals communicating across barriers of language, culture, faith and other aspects of diversity.

Credit will be given for identifying solutions as well as potential challenges, and for entries that are innovative and/or demonstrate an appreciation of the perspectives of all parties.

The deadline for entries is March 1st, 2010. The bursary recipients will be announced at the British Dental Association Conference and Exhibition, May 20-22 in Liverpool, UK.

Reader response number 66