'Teeth the Musical DVD' has won this year's Patron's Prize at the National Oral Health Promotion Group annual conference.

This 14 minute animated film is aimed at the learning disabled and young children and is a partnership project between Somerset Primary Care Dental Service, Bridgwater College, Biggerhouse Film and Somerset Film.

The serious message about oral hygiene is related in a fun and informative way by a character called Fred who finds his teeth talking and singing to him about the importance of taking care of them properly. The film features artwork produced by the students, who also supply voiceovers and sing songs.

The DVD is accompanied by a trainer's pack with ten student magazines.

'We are trialling the new trainer's pack in schools and colleges and it is being very well received as an excellent training resource,' said Rachel Pinder, Acting Assistant Clinical Director of the Somerset Primary Dental Service.

The DVDs can be previewed and purchased at www.jumpcuts.org.uk.