
Burke FJT, Kelleher MJD J Esthet Restor Dent 2009: 21: 144–146

In this robust critique of what is referred to in colloquial language as 'veneer cases', the authors urge a fundamentally different strategy. In order to meet the patient's dental aesthetic need and to conserve tooth tissue, bleaching and, when indicated, the placement of resin composite build-ups invariably has the desired outcome. The authors also question the rationale of carrying out full-mouth reconstructions using conventional crowns, solely to improve dental aesthetics. They quote Richard Simonsen, a pioneer of the use of ceramic veneers, who has stated that such treatments can result in 'outrageous overtreatment for financial gain by some'. The authors propose a somewhat folksy solution known as the 'Daughter Test'... 'Knowing what I know about what is involved with this proposed dentistry would I carry out this treatment on my own daughter's teeth?'.