
Almeida ALPF, Gonzalez MKS et al. Cleft Palate Craniofac J 2009; 46: 161–165

In this study, probing depth measurements, clinical attachment loss, gingival and plaque indices were measured on teeth in 400 individuals aged 15–49 years old with a cleft. These values from teeth in sextants with a cleft were compared with those from teeth in the non-cleft sextant in the same individuals. Among other exclusion criteria that affect periodontal health, none of the individuals had received bone grafting. The sextant with the cleft 'did not present higher means of probing depth, clinical attachment level, plaque index, and gingival index' compared with those teeth in the sextants without the cleft. Unlike other studies, these investigators did not analyse separately data of teeth immediately adjacent to the cleft and compare these with contra-lateral teeth.