
Sidebottom AJ. Br J Oral and Maxillofac Surg 2009; 47: 91–94

The following points are highlighted from this review. When considering conservative management of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders, it is stated that topical application of NSAIDs is as effective as systemic medication and has fewer side-effects. Two separate Cochrane Reviews have reported 1) that the design of splint does not influence the outcome and 2) there is no evidence to carry out irreversible occlusal adjustment of teeth. The author states that injecting local anaesthetics within the TMJ may provide a degree of 'hydro-dissection more commonly achieved by arthrocentesis'. The long term value of open joint surgery is questioned. The most invasive approach is total joint replacement. As less that 100 of these operations are performed each year in the UK, 'only a few surgeons should be carrying out this complex procedure'.